Jasper County Economic Development Organization (JCEDO)
Welcome to Jasper County, Indiana!
There is a growing list of advantages we enjoy in Jasper County that range from proximity to a business-friendly tax climate to a growing arts and culture renaissance in our City and Towns. Simply, we have a lot to be excited about, but the work is not done.
We are dedicated to building relationships inside and outside of Jasper County. We work to utilize these relationships to make focused decisions, create jobs and generate investments that will move Jasper County forward.
Additionally, we have established clear driving lanes for JCEDO and our role in the community. These driving lanes have created an expectation and understanding of the work we do in the community. These driving lanes include:
- Business Retention & Expansion
- Workforce Development
- Small Business Development
- Community Engagement
- Tourism
All of this has yielded big results in our communities. JCEDO has guided critical tourism funding to capital projects helping to renovate our parks and put public art in our downtowns. We have moved the needle with our industry partners and facilitated $351MM in capital investment and the creation of 63 full-time jobs.
We are building an organization ready to usher in the future and priming our communities to be leaders in industry, culture, and growth. Welcome to Jasper County, Indiana!
#lovewhereyoulive #cultivatingopportunity #growinjaspercounty
Sara E. DeYoung, Executive Director
Jasper County Economic Development Organization