Plan of Work - About JCEDO
The Jasper County Economic Development Organization. Inc. (JCEDO) is the countywide economic development entity for Jasper County, Indiana. A public-private partnership incorporated in 1986 as a 501(3) C. JCEDO assists in both private and public facilitation of all things agricultural, business, commercial/industrial, financial, industrial, recreational, residential, tourism, and trade interests with initiatives focused on growth and prosperity for Jasper County, Indiana.
Mission Statement:
Strengthen and diversify the local economy, attract quality jobs, and encourage entrepreneurial growth to create opportunities for Jasper County and its residents.
Organizational Initiatives
Existing businesses are the leading source of growth for communities across the nation. JCEDO works to build relationships with Jasper County’s existing industry to provide a platform in order to bring new growth to fruition.
As we strengthen and diversity our local economy, our need for a long-term pipeline of talent will grow as well. Further, as we facilitate growth among small businesses and existing industry, our immediate needs for talent grow. JCEDO will take a collaborative approach partnering with industry, education, and community stakeholders to deliver a solution that accommodates both needs.
Small businesses are a prominent indicator of the health and vibrancy of the local economy, as they are the life blood of a growing community. JCEDO recognizes, as a local economic development organization, this importance of small businesses in our community and takes our role in growing and expanding local small business very seriously.
JCEDO provides professional support and strategic guidance to the Jasper County Tourism Commission. This Commission is charged with granting funding requests for events, capital projects, and marketing campaigns. These requests are funded by the innkeeper’s tax, which is collected by the county treasurer.
As the economic development organization, it is often our role to ask the community to accept change in big steps. Understandably, this is not always an easy thing to do. To deliver a level of comfort as change occurs in the community, JCEDO has developed a community engagement strategy. This will allow the residents of Jasper County to better know our goals and objectives, along with the people asking change of them. This will include frequent press releases and letters to the editor of our local newspapers to share goods news Better use of social media platforms will allow us to communicate more effectively, at the appropriate time, critical news and project updates.